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MECHANICS for engineering student 
 Autor:  Gheorghe Deliu 
 Codul Cartii:  A36
 Pret:   40 Lei 

 MECHANICS for engineering student

This book is the result of more than 35 years of teaching Mechanics. The author is confident that this long experience led him to such a level of understanding of Mechanics which permits him to disengage the main objectives of a course. These are related to the developing in the engineering students the ability to analyze any problem in a simple and logical manner, and to apply to its solution a few, well- understood, basic principles. More than that, in the present context of the future European Integration, this book will become a very useful instrument to a better understanding between specialists in Mechanics from different countries. (379 pag)

Aceasta carte a fost adaugata in baza de date la 11/29/2002.


 Dintre cei care au cumparat aceasta carte, au mai cumparat si 
 Bazele proiectrii cu SOLID EDGE (cu CD SOLID EDGE ORIGIN) Reeditare 

..este gol!